One reason for taking so long to complete chores this week is I have been taking this course over at Jessica Sprague's website. She offered a free Photoshop class for her 5th Birthday Celebration and I signed up. I have taken many classes over at her site and absolutely love easy to follow. So if you have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements I would recommend some of her classes.
Another thing that I have neglected was to send out the prizes for the comments on My New Design post. Some of you I know how to get in contact with and some I do not. If you were someone who matter what # please send information of how I can send you a little surprise.
Hopefully, I will begin to update my blog and let all of you readers know how my adventure of being a SAHW is progressing. Please, please, please though do a favor for me...when you come to my blog and read the post please take the time to make a comment. I sooooo enjoy reading the comments and it encourages me and lifts my spirits. They just make my day!!
I will leave you today with a little something I made in my Jessica Sprague class that is going to hang on the wall of my newly decorated guest bathroom.
I know that you've been busy since school has been out. Glad that you got a weekend away with family. Now it's back to every day life. Keep your chin up and don't let yourself get discouraged. Take some advise that we'd tell your kids when they were little, if you fall off your bike, get back on and keep going. So pick up your plans where you left off and keep moving forward. Everything happens for a reason, even if we don't see at that moment. Looking forward to seeing you soon so we can scrapbook. Gini