What's in Your Basket?

Well, I was really busy, busy this Easter weekend. I wanted so bad to make a card and even had one flowing around in my head, but, I had better things to keep me occupied. First on Friday my next to youngest grandson called bright and early and said in the sweetest voice..."Grandma, can I come over?" We were already planning to go pick him up cause he had been asking for quite some time could he come over by his self (without brother or sister). So we go to pick him up...sister was very mad about that. Then later in the day two other grandsons came over for a bit.

Saturday was the annual taking my granddaughter Easter dress shopping. We normally do it much sooner but due to T-ball games and practices, and dance thrown in there had not been able to find the time to go. So, bright and early Saturday morning off we went. Now we live in an area where the shopping leaves a bit to be desired so we traveled a little over an hour to go shopping for her dress. She likes the thrill of the hunt as much as deciding on which dress so we always go try on way more than she ever would consider. After visiting 2 stores, trying on in the first store we settled on one of the three dresses we tried on in the third store...hair accessories...and sandals to complete the ensemble and we were all set. A quick ride on the little choo-choo train and then we were headed for a nice lunch, then home to her house.

Then it was off to shop for the things I needed for Easter dinner and finally home to prepare for Easter Sunday. We were having a big family gathering and meal at my daughter's house and she had asked me to try and find time to make a banner. Well, I finally found the time to sit down and make it last night. So that is what was in my basket this morning. This lovely banner to hang in her doorway to greet all who entered on this blessed Easter Sunday. Hope you enjoy it!

Close up of the end...the front banner panel has the same bunny only in reverse  colors.

I am entering this banner in the CAS-ual Friday's challenge. This is my first time linking up to this challenge. I am excited to have just found this blog and look forward to many Fridays to come where I can be inspired to create.



  1. Looks like you had a busy weekend. Love the banner

  2. SO creative!! I love your hand made Easter banners! The bunny is love in this! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  3. Lovely work!
    Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment! May you have a blessed day!