Lots Going On Around here...

Some Good...Some Not so Good!

I am keeping up with the positive so that is coming first...

The Good Things Happening:

  • I only have 16 days left until the end of the school year.
  • We are leaving Saturday to visit family and witness the wedding of my cousin's beautiful baby girl.
  • I had some minor out-patient surgery and it went well...just waiting on some results...but doc said all looked good.
  • I was able to reconnect with a friend I have not been able to see in quite some time.
  • My organization skills are picking up...but I am thinking they are going to have to take a back seat until school is out.
  • And life is good!!!

Some Not so Good things...
  • I had a not so great evaluation at school...this has been a rough year and I have done my best to do what I can do in a new grade level. Hopefully I can turn that evaluation around when I have a redo in a couple of weeks.

So all is going well for the most part in my life....Very busy with grandchildren playing ball so I will leave this post with the cute little guys I spend most of my spare time with. 


  1. Wow, I really like your re-designed site, Teresa. I haven't been here in a while. Seems you have more good than bad going on. I hope you have a wonderful sabbatical!

  2. Thanks...I knew I was going to be spending a lot of time here over the next year so I wanted it to really reflect me!

    I am hoping this sabbatical turns permanent and I can stay home permanently. Only time will tell!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Looks like you have a lot of things going good for you. The kiddos are cuties...


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment! May you have a blessed day!