Encouraging Words: Love is the word of the Month! (Warning long post!)


Today is the last Saturday of the month! Today is going to be all about something I love and that has become a very important part of my life. This is going to probably be a long story! 

At the end of 2020 I closed my business that I dearly loved...it was time though...and I am ok with that. When I closed the business I spoke with this business owner that owned a small business like mine who had helped me in closing out my leftover inventory...I told her that the one thing I was going to miss was designing paper pads and stamps! I did not realize what a true passion that was until I really had time to reflect on the fact I was no longer going to do that.

That person was Jamie of Not 2 Shabby Shop...so we began chatting and talking and her Box of the Month was born...then it has expanded from there...So what does this have to do with love? I absolutely LOVE designing and am able to continue doing that....BUT so much more developed from this. I feel like I made a life long friend, I was able to pour myself into someone who also owned a small business cause that task is not an easy feat when you are doing it all by yourself. 

It thrills my soul to be a mentor and friend to Jamie and I am totally in love with the friendship we have developed and the fact I can help her in anyway that I can.

She recently reached 10K subscribers on YouTube and today just happens to be the Celebration Video hop...There are some awesome prizes! And if you happen to be searching for a small paper crafting store to purchase from, well you cannot get any better than Not 2 Shabby Shop! If you would like to follow along with the Video hop here is the first stop~

My card for today is also a subject that I absolutely love! I LOVE, LOVE , LOVE making coffee cards...This one is up of the Not 2 Shabby blog today for the last inspiration for the Mood Board challenge for February!

Thanks so much for stopping by today!

1 comment

  1. Hi Teresa, This was such a sweet post to read! I feel the same like I made a life long friend. Your friendship means the world to me and I'm so happy our paths collided. We make the best team and wouldn't have it any other way! XO Jamie


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment! May you have a blessed day!