A Personal Update

I have been trying really hard lately on some self-improvements. One thing I did recently while in Oregon was push myself to do a hike to see some beautiful waterfalls. It was a 2.6 mile hike but with lots of patience from my daughter and Janie, and many stops along the way I can say I finished!!! Another thing I have done recently is to completely take over all of the household chores that my hubby used to do; his laundry, taking out the trash, putting the trash to the curb on trash day, taking care of watering plants and weeding flowerbeds, and keeping the kitchen clean at all times. 
It was a beautiful day in Oregon. I am so thankful I got to visit,
but especially be and visit with my daughter.

my daughter, Holly

So, there is still lots of room for some improvement though. There are several things I need to work on and it would be so ever wonderful if I could count on you, along with my family for some encouragement. I hope to make a personal post once a month to let you guys know what is going on in my quest to become a better organized SAHW. So these are the things I plan to work on this week.

  1. Staying on track with my cleaning routine. 
  2. Walking each day. (I only walked once last week!)
  3. Getting my craftroom cleaned and posting a video of it. (I have wanted to do this for so long!)
  4. Staying on top of my regular blog posts.

Should you be interested my regularly scheduled blog posts are:
  • Monday Menus
  • Baking 101
  • Thursday's Thrifty Tips
I need to start a regular crafty blog post as I have 3 that are domestic in nature and none that are on the crafty side. If you have any suggestions as to a title for my crafty post leave me a comment and let me know.

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Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment! May you have a blessed day!