Encouraging Words: Introducing My Word of the Month for January


Hello Everyone! 

Welcome to my regular Saturday blog post! I am embarking on this journey where I will have a word of the month and will have a blog series encompassing this concept. It is going to be fun doing this! Something I tried to do last year and did not complete. 

If you have been reading my blog this week then you know I am claiming this as my year! And that I am KICKING PROCRASTINATION TO THE CURB!

So here is my word for the month of January!

I am determined to get off on the right foot this month and set all the systems in place to have a successful year. 

This is one of the ways I plan to do this! So,  in moving forward on some of my crafty goals I will also have a card each week with this blog series to kind of go along with the word of the month.

Today, I made a birthday card for a February date. 

This card applies to my determination in a few different ways.

First, I am getting ahead on birthday cards and not waiting until the last minute.
Secondly, I am using things in my stash that have been there for a long time that have never been touched.
Lastly, I am able to use this card weekly to participate in a challenge.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment! May you have a blessed day!