Encouraging Words: My Word of the Year: Day 5

Question to answer today: 

How will I know all this is working?  

First, I have purchased 2 separate planners...
a. one to keep track of my work with Not 2 Shabby Shop
b. a specific Goal planner to keep track of my YouTube schedule, my life, my goals, and my wellness

How do I plan to use these planners?

a. Not 2 Shabby planner: I will plan for the upcoming week on Saturdays (or Friday nights) should I be planning to be gone on Saturday....I frequently go to my grandchildren's ballgames and sometimes are gone from early in the morning until late at night on a Saturday.

b. for the specific Goal Planner I purchased a Clever Fox planner after watching a YouTuber review this planner. I purchased it off Amazon. 

I watched a whole lot of planner videos between Christmas and New Year's and immediately new this was the planner for me. There are prompts for goal setting and prompts for a Monthly review at the end of each month. By keeping up with these things will help to keep me on track this year.

Next, I have my crafty goal spread sheet to keep track of...I will also have a physical calendar hanging in my craft room that I will be able to write that days progress on and see it in front of me all the time.

Finally, someone in the planner community that I have watched a view of her videos gave this tip: Keep your planner out and in front of you. Keep it on your desk. For me this is going to be key! Previously when I did paper planning, I would write and plan in it on the weekend and then leave it in my planning bag all week long and rarely look at it. So leaving it out and open will give me the motivation to make sure I am using it! 

In conclusion, I am praying that by putting all these systems in place ahead of time will be the key to a successful year and KICKING PROCRASTINATION TO THE CURB!

This will be a picture I print out and put in the front of my planner!

Join me tomorrow when I will publish my Word of the Month!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

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